Local group celebrates 2nd year of helping families with school choice


Staff reports

Student Award Center, a 501(c)3 nonprofit scholarship fund in Jackson, celebrated its second award year on July 18 with a reception for new and returning award recipients.

“SAC makes school choice possible for families that otherwise would not be able to enter or remain in a private or home school scenario of their choice,” said Glen Gaugh, executive director for SAC. “Our ability to double our scholarships this year is due to generous private donations and the support of our community and partner schools.”

Board members and award families were on hand for the brief reception. Some parents shared their reasons for going to a private school.

“After one year at St. Mary’s, my son has completely changed. He is more social and talks about his friends, but in his old school he was bullied or left out. We’re thankful to be able to choose a great school for our son,” said parent Mary Cano.

State Representative Chris Todd was present to greet families and share about the prospects of school choice legislation in the next session.

“It’s stories like yours that will make the difference in expanding school choice in Madison County and across the state,” Todd told the families in attendance.

A total of 29 award recipients will begin school year 2023-24 in August at Family Christian School, Gateway Christian, Jackson Christian School, St. Mary’s School and Sacred Heart of Jesus High School.