Sterling Award winners announced


Staff reports

Dr. Margaret Taylor, president of Jackson Area Business and Professional Women, has announced the winners of Sterling Awards 2024: 20 Most Influential Women in West Tennessee, the Outstanding Woman Military Veteran and the Sue Shelton White Award.

The winners are: 

Crockett County: Meredith Marbury

Dyer County: Vanedda Webb

Fayette County: Dr. Versie Hamlett

Haywood County: Sheronda Green, Dr. Stephanie Barnes

Henderson County: Amy Allison

McNairy County: Jessica Huff

Obion County: Dr. Julie Hill

Weakley County: Stacie Freeman

Madison County: Olivia Abernathy; Tausha Alexander; Renee Jones; Lauren Kirk; Wendy Mercer; Monique Merriweather; Dr. Mechelle Moragne; Leigh O’Neill; Rachel Ryan; Melinda Reid; Brenda Triplett.

The 2024 Outstanding Woman Military Veteran is USMC Master Sergeant E8 (Ret.) 

Gloria Holiday, Chester County.

Winner of the 2024 Sue Shelton White Award is Rayna Bomar, Career Law Clerk, US District Court.

Sterling Awards 2024 will be held at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 9, in the Lane College Chambers McClure Academic Center, (CMAC), 808 N. Hayes Avenue, Jackson, Tenn. 38301.

During the ceremony, JABPW’s two scholarship winners will also be announced. Each one will receive a $1,500 scholarship.

For information about the Sterling Awards magazine and honoring the 2024 winners, email Jacque Hillman, editor of the Sterling Awards magazine, at

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