Pride celebration focuses on support, advocacy


The West Tennessee LGBTQ+ Support Group held their Pride event Saturday, June 24. Despite the heat, the event at Pugh Bourne Park in Northeast Madison County was well attended. 

“We've had some dancing. We've had a lot of vendors make some good money to support their small, locally-owned businesses. Our food trucks have had a pretty successful day from what we see,” Organizer Kal Reasons said. 

The group, dedicated to supporting people who identify as LGBTQ+, provides connection and support to people who might otherwise be isolated. The event not only had local businesses, but also nonprofits and advocacy groups.

“Our mission is to educate, enlighten and empower all the LGBTQ+ community and local allies,” Reasons said, “We want people to understand that we're not out here trying to cause issues for anybody. We're trying to live authentically and just celebrate being ourselves and being true to who we are.”

Julia Ewoldt,