Pam Tebow, mother of Tim, coming to Jackson to speak for CEF


The Jackson chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship is having its annual fundraiser on Oct. 14, and the guest speaker who will be in town that day is Pam Tebow.

Pam is the mother of Tim Tebow, a former Heisman Trophy winning quarterback at the University of Florida who played in the NFL for a few years who’s now a college football analyst on ESPN and the SEC Network.

Before Tim was born, Pam said she’s best described as helping her husband’s ministry, reaching children and those who had no idea about Jesus Christ in the Philippines.

“That wasn’t what I set out to do when I got to college in Gainesville and met Bob, my husband, but I got to know him at Campus Crusade for Christ, fell I love with him and now we’ve done ministry together and have five children and eight grandchildren,” Pam said.

Pam said the work of CEF is something she’s interested in because of her own upbringing, which wasn’t rooted in Christianity.

Her father was an Army colonel, and there was a church near their home in South Carolina that Pam and her younger sister would walk to some Sunday mornings without their parents. One week when she was 12, Pam accepted Christ as her Savior when a visiting evangelist presented the Gospel that she’d heard for the first time.

“I didn’t know much and didn’t grow much those first few years because we weren’t consistent in church,” Pam said. “But once I got to college and involved in CCC, my faith really began to grow, so when I hear about an organization like CEF whose goal is to reach 100 million children for Christ, I want to do what I can to help.”

Pam said her discussion in Jackson will have a few stories from her time working in the Philippines, where Bob set up an orphanage 30 years ago that is still going today and has established a ministry organization that had more than 50 national evangelists going all over the country sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to those who’ve never heard it.

She may also share stories from her time raising her five children including her own personal perspective when she was pregnant with Tim in Philippines and was having complications and the first doctor they spoke with encouraged her to abort the child.

“That was against what we believe in, so I was not having it,” Pam said. “But that wasn’t the only time we made a decision to stand in our faith against overwhelming evidence from the world that we need to abandon our faith.

“So I may go into that for a little while too. I’m looking forward to it because I love spending time with others who are interested in sharing Jesus with other people, especially children.”

Brandon Shields,