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Local books a hit with Jackson readers


Bank of Jackson’s location on Oil Well Road was the location for a number of local authors to put their books on display for those looking for a few local ideas for Christmas gifts.

“Turnaround” by Harbert Alexander, Sr., who was a chairman of the board for Bank of Jackson along with multiple other entities in town and passed away earlier this year, was one of the books available for purchase. “Turnaround” is a Christian novel about a boy who dreamed of being a Major League Baseball player but turns out to do more than he ever dreamed by walking by his faith instead.

A few other books were also available along with their authors.

Beech Bluff resident Dennis Renshaw’s autobiographical book about his trek up the Appalachian trail including hiking to 91 mountain peaks was there. The book is titled “Footprints on the Mountains.”

Longtime local high school basketball coach Joe North was on hand with his book, “Convictions of an Old Coach,” that includes plenty of stories from his more than 40-year career coaching basketball and also his early life growing up on a farm.

“While a lot of the stories in it are about basketball, it’s more about learning more lessons that you can apply to any walk of life and not just on a basketball court,” North said. “Which was what I tried to do while I was coaching while also trying to win games.”

Frank McMeen spent some time putting together a collection of stories with the purpose of providing hope and peace for the reader, and the book is titled “Let Me Tell You a Story.”

Paula Ragland had copies of “The Oak Tree” available, and it’s a story about a child who grew up with an oak tree in the yard. The book chronicles how the tree and child grew together, and a tragic event forces a situation of facing adversity and seeing a beautiful end on the other side of that tragedy.

Joy Meriwether also had copies of different children’s picture books called “The Tool Series” available as well as taking orders for the latest edition that would be in by Christmas.

“Reading is something so many people love to do, and we’ve got some great authors with compelling books right here in Jackson,” said Anita Kay Archer, the vice-president of business development for Bank of Jackson. “It’s wonderful to have them with us this evening.”

Brandon Shields,
