LIFELINE unveils new bus wrap


LIFELINE Blood Services have a bloodmobile with a new look.

Local artist Chris Stewart was on hand at LIFELINE’s main location in North Jackson on Monday for the unveiling of his second work with the local blood bank.

“We’re unveiling our second bloodmobile with a wrap on it that is reflective of the area LIFELINE serves,” said Melinda Reid, the marketing director for LIFELINE. “Chris Stewart in cooperation with B3 Creative worked with us to produce this wrap that reflects every county we work with and something unique about those counties.”

Humphreys County to Lake County to Hardeman County are all depicted on the wrap and will be visible to the public in August when this particular bloodmobile is released to the highways for its mobile blood drive schedule next month.

“We typically have four bloodmobiles out in the field six days a week, so this will be potentially seen all over the region any given week,” Reid said.

Stewart said work began on this wrap nearly a year ago in September.

“We started talking about how it will look, and then it took some time to determine what we wanted to put on it,” Stewart said. “Then after that, we obviously had to determine how it would all look and where everything would be placed.

“Then the actual wrap took about a month to put on once they figured out the layout of the vehicle and different things about its shape and things like that,” Stewart said.

Madison County’s area on the wrap has a guitar player on it and a train, giving a nod to the area’s history with Carl Perkins and Rockabilly music along with Casey Jones and his place in railroad history.

“Having a wrap like this on our bus is something that people in the region can identify with when they see it,” Reid said. “They’ll see it and then look for their county and how it’s represented and then while they’re looking at it, they may decide to come in and donate a pint of their blood.

“But as many times as I’ve looked at it, I’m still finding some kind of new thing I hadn’t noticed before, so there’s a lot going on there.”

Brandon Shields,