LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Reader supports Todd in re-election bid


Dear editor,

I am writing this in response to the opinion article written by Mr. Gabe Hart regarding our State Representative, Chris Todd. Mr. Hart, who supports Mr. Jimmy Harris, took issue with Mr. Todd taking campaign contributions from outside District 73. I do not see that as a problem. People see Chris Todd’s work as important, not only to District 73 but to the entire state and even our country. Mr. Hart intimates that Chris will not feel responsible to the people of Madison County but will be “tethered to special interest groups.” Here are a few bills that Rep. Todd sponsored and voted for:

  1. He supported a Resolution to Nullify Federal Covid-19 Restrictions (As County Mayor Jimmy Harris fully supported and helped implement the shutting down of businesses and churches during Covid, forcing some small businesses out.)
  2. Voted for pro-life policy
  3. Supported parental rights in education
  4. Supported preventing modern-day racism 
  5. Reinstating a work requirement for government assistance
  6. Shielding minors from inappropriate drag shows (Mr. Hart might have trouble with this one based on his previous writing)
  7. Supported legislation to limit foreign ownership of property in Tennessee.

This does not sound like a man who is beholden to “special interests” … other than the interests of his constituents. This also shows that Chris is a true conservative who represents the interests of Madison Countians.

Tuesday morning, I listened to a call in talk show on radio 101.5 in which Chris Todd was the guest. (The host, Sea Bass, stated that Mr. Harris had also been invited but had yet to respond.) More than one caller indicated that they felt Harris was running to help West Tennessee Healthcare keep out other healthcare competition. (West TN Healthcare wants any competition who would like to come into the city to have a Certificate of Need [CON], and they would control that.)  Chris Todd would not support that since it could stifle competition. Maybe Mr. Harris could answer if he is “carrying the water” for WTHC since he works for and has lobbied for WTHC. This would be considered one big “special interest.”

Finally, Chris Todd is endorsed by many groups, including Tennessee Right to Life, NFIB, NRA, TFA, Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, and Tennessee US Senator Marsha Blackburn. Mrs. Blackburn said, “Chris Todd believes that freedom, free markets, and free people lead to prosperity.” I totally concur.

Bob Newman


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