JHA helps families connect with resources at expo


It was hot in Jackson on Thursday, but not so hot that Jackson Housing Authority wasn’t able to host its second annual Family Empowerment Expo for residents at Allenton Heights Apartments near Oman Arena.

“Last year was a big hit with our residents here, and we wanted to do it again this year because so many of them found it helpful,” said Mark Reid, the director of JHA.

The expo is designed to be a way for residents of JHA complexes to get connected with the resources available to them.

“Most of our residents here are here with federal assistance, and we don’t want them to stay in a situation where they need assistance, and most of them don’t want to stay in that situation either,” Reid said. “But they don’t know of the resources that are available to them that could help them better their lives and be able to get out to another living facility in a situation where they can support themselves.”

Among the resources represented at the expo were United Way of West Tennessee, Salvation Army and representatives from the Memphis offices of the federal Housing and Urban Development department.

“A lot of people don’t understand that there are ways to get help to the things they need, whether it’s finding a job of financial management education or different services designed to help people get out of poverty or recover from a run of bad luck financially,” Reid said. “Those services are available, and here, our residents can put their eyes on them, ask questions and find out more about what is offered and how they can get connected to those offerings.”

But the event wasn’t just about the expo. There was a fun atmosphere surrounding the event as well.

Employees of JHA were grilling hamburgers and handing out lunch to all in attendance.

Because it was so hot, Jackson Fire Department had firefighters and trucks in attendance with one of their trucks spraying water for children to cool down under before or after they ate.

All the different organizations who were a part of the expo were lined up in tents around a basketball court on the premises.

“We appreciate everyone who’s been involved in this both years, and for Jackson Police and Fire for partnering with us in this,” Reid said. “They and [Jackson Mayor Scott Conger] have been great partners with us over the years, and it’s helped because the amount of crime in our areas – especially here at Allenton – has dropped dramatically.

“And we can thank the work of Jackson Police and their efforts at making sure our areas are safe for the people who live here.”

Brandon Shields, brandon@jacksonpost.news
