Jackson Animal Care Center celebrating pets this weekend


Pets Rock! Fest isn’t the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Jackson Animal Care Center, but it is a unique experience for its director Whitney Owen and the crew.

“Most of the communication I do with people about the center is online through social media, and literally hundreds of people who reach out with questions, concerns about a specific animal or something else,” Owen said. “But we have an adoption drive at this event that allows us to get to know some of the people interested in some of our animals on a personal level.

“They’re not just a name on a sheet of paper to be vetted before we connect them with an animal. And that’s always a good part of this.”

Pets Rock Fest is a celebration of animals in general, and people are welcomed to bring their own pets to the party and enjoy a number of different things going on.

Food trucks and other vendors will be on hand for the humans, and there will be a kids’ waterslide set up for them. But young humans aren’t the only ones who will have a chance to enjoy a wet and wild time.

“Dock Dogs is coming back,” Owen said, explaining that Dock Dogs is a national touring company that sets up a water obstacle course for dogs to compete in. “Anyone can sign their dog up to get in it, whether you think they’re a top athlete or if you think they will just jump off and tread water.

“All dogs are invited. We’ve got one local mastiff that will jump in and just cool off for a little while and get out.”

The event lasts from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Jackson Fairgrounds. All proceeds from the event will go toward the Center’s spay and neuter programs.

Brandon Shields, brandon@jacksonpost.news