Ed Jackson honored by THA


State Senator Ed Jackson was honored on Tuesday, July 16, by the Tennessee Hospital Association as Tennessee Hospital Hero for 2024.

The THA honors a state legislator each year that consistently shows an effort to look out for the interests of hospitals in Tennessee, and THA’s director, Wendy Long, was on hand at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital for a ceremony honoring Jackson.

“Senator Jackson is a proven friend to Tennessee hospitals and a trusted leader of the 25th District,” Long said. “Hospitals are the economic engines for many towns in this great state, and I’m sure Jackson-Madison County General is an engine for Jackson with 4,000 employed in Madison County.

“The state also relies on hospitals to care for people who urgently need care regardless of their ability to pay. Senator Jackson recognizes the critical role the hospital plays in each town and advocates for them whenever he’s needed.”

Jackson, who was first elected State Senator in 2014, admitted that when he was first put on the Senate’s health and welfare committee that he had no knowledge of how hospitals work.

“Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey called Marilyn and me to his office to get to know us, and he asked me to serve on that committee,” Jackson said. “I told him I had no knowledge of hospitals, and he said he needed a representative of West Tennessee on that committee, so here I am.

“So many in this room have helped educate me, and it’s my goal every year to do what I need to do to help our hospitals thrive.”

Jackson pointed out a few obstacles standing before the state’s hospitals he intends to continue helping in the fight against including workforce issues, reimbursement issues, resident slot and thin financial margins.

“Each of these obstacles is an opportunity for the state to help in one of the most crucial needs its citizens has in healthcare,” Jackson said. “Most of you in this room are the ones on the front lines providing that healthcare, and I just want to ensure that we in Nashville are supporting your properly to do your work.”

Brandon Shields, brandon@jacksonpost.news