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Dianne Sherrod named January 2023 Hub City Hero


Dianne Sherrod has been selected as the January 2023 Hub City Hero, according to a press release from the City of Jackson. Sherrod works for the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Lifeline Peer Project, which serves an 11 county region. 

According to the release, Sherrod’s nominator said that she is, “an advocate for those in active addiction in our community,” and that she “works endlessly to support those in active addiction.” Her nominator also said that she is a “light and a source of hope for so many in Jackson.” 

“We try to educate and train people on how to prevent an overdose or reverse an overdose,” Sherrod said. “We also provide through our faith-based initiative program, training that helps people understand what trauma is.” 

Sherrod, through her organization, wants to help break the stigma of drug abuse. “There’s a lot of stigma that goes along with drug abuse and drug addiction. People don’t understand that it’s a disease of the brain,” said Sherrod. “It takes treatment and medication and different ways to be able to overcome that.” 

Sherrod said that the best thing that the community can do is be informed and raise awareness to people who might not understand what addiction is all about. 

“Heroes often step in and run to the fight in order to help and make a positive impact for the community they serve,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “Dianne is among that group of heroes. She gives her time in order to help those who are looking for a way out of drug abuse and addiction. She is a great example.”

The City of Jackson honors a Hub City Hero every month. The city says these people selflessly and steadily give of their time and talent to improve the lives of others in the community. Recognition as a hero is one small way to thank these public servants for their efforts and it gives honorees the opportunity to raise awareness for causes that are important to them. 

To nominate a hero, visit Candidates must be a resident of Jackson, Tenn. After a year of heroes have been recognized, one hero will be selected and awarded $1,000 to donate to a non-profit of their choice. 

Criteria includes the following:

• Committed to improving the quality of life of others in Jackson. 

• Contributes time to community activities in a volunteer capacity.

• Serves as a role model and inspiration to others.

• Focuses on growth and well-being of the community we serve.

• Empowers and engages others to give back.

• Demonstrates integrity, collaboration, innovation and respect.

city of jackson, hub city hero