County Commission approves pay raise for September of 2026


Here’s a list of what all happened at the Madison County Commission on Monday, April 24.

  • The item on the agenda that generated the most discussion was whether or not to approve a pay raise for the commissioners and school board members.

The resolution eventually passed by a vote of 17-6 with one abstaining.

Tony Black wanted to ensure that the resolution included a statement requiring a salary study be done before September of 2026, when the raise would take effect, which would be the first month after the next election selecting county commissioners.

After Jeff Wall said that was approved during the budget meeting, Black pointed out that it was left out of the resolution being discussed by the Commission.

Sheila Godwin pointed out how some counties with a comparable population pay their commissioners.

Claudell Brown expressed his opposition to the notion because it would look self-serving.

Gary Deaton said he would have a hard time paying for the increase, but the notion of allowing commission pay to go toward the Commissioners and their families might be worth looking at more than a pay increase.

Olivia Abernathy was the last one to speak right before the vote, and she said this was more of a want, and there are so many needs for the County to deal with before they tend to this matter.

They approved a memorandum of understanding with the Jackson-Madison County School Board to give JMCSS $2 million to help them pay for renovations to the old Madison Academic/Jackson High building to help speed that process up so they can move their administration operations there. That vote was 23-0 with one abstaining and came after no discussion.

  • They approved 23-1 to donate $15,000 to the Firefighters Freedom Festival to help with the cost of the annual Fourth of July part the county fire department puts on at the airport each year.
  • Mike Bryant was approved as Mayor A.J. Massey’s recommended appointment to the Community Redevelopment Agency’s board. But after the vote, Godwin raised questions about the CRA board, saying they don’t go by their bylaws.

She said the bylaws state that no board member will serve more than three years and that no chairman of the board will serve more than one year.

“We all know Vicki Lake has been the chair of that board for years,” Godwin said.

After an argument ensued between Godwin and Joey Hale, who was the Commissioner coming off the board and making way for Bryant, Chairman Mike Taylor ended the conversation and moved on after Brown asked attorney Jay Bush about how the length of time serving on the board is determined.

Bush said that’s determined by the CRA’s bylaws, which he was not knowledgeable of or had a copy of to comment on them.

  • The Commission approved the resignation of David Smith from the Conservation Board. Smith had served with four mayors and four county parks and rec directors in more than 20 years of service on the board.
  • Attendance report: Arthur Johnson was the only Commissioner who missed this month’s meeting.

Brandon Shields,

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