Bobo looks to help East Jackson students on school board


Winnette Bobo admits she’s not your typical candidate for school board.

“I’ve lived here for 10 years, and not many people know me,” Bobo said. “The reason for that is I choose to walk in silence.

“I help others whenever I can, but when I do, I’m not one that’s going to take a selfie and let the world know about it. As long as my God knows what I’m doing and I’m doing what He’s called me to do, that’s really my concern.”

Running for school board representing District 6 falls in line with that.

At the recent Juneteenth celebration at T.R. White Sportsplex in East Jackson presented by the Society for African-American Cultural Awareness, those running for local elected office were invited to speak for three minutes on stage.

Bobo stepped up to the mic, introduced herself, named the district she’s running for and then said, “But y’all can get to know me later. I feel like there’s something else I can do since I have this microphone that would be more beneficial.”

Bobo spent the next 2.5 minutes praying over the city of Jackson, inviting God into every home, every public office, every business, every vehicle and bring peace to the city and the schools.

When asked why she is running for school board, her answer is simple and one word: “God.”

She said that God has called her to run for the position because He wants her to help the children of Jackson-Madison County Schools in District 6 and East Jackson.

“I’ve been to a few meetings over the past few months, and I never hear anything about helping the kids of East Jackson,” Bobo said. “They may say they have this school and that school and everything like that, but they never say anything that I’ve heard about what they’re doing to help the kids in those schools.”

So Bobo has taken that as her mission in running for school board.

“What is being done to help these kids?” Bobo said. “I see them out here and I talk to them, and a lot of them can’t read.

“So what are they doing about that? How are they helping these children so they’re ready to be adults out here.”

Bobo said funding is important and instruction is too. But prayer is the most important thing anyone can do for Jackson.

“I do a Bible study at 5 a.m. every morning, and I walk the streets of Jackson praying over it,” Bobo said. “And I pray over the schools because God’s presence is what Jackson and the school district needs more than anything.”

Brandon Shields,