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Public Notices

NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about August 26, 2024 Madison County will submit a request to the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for the release of Block Grant Funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, to undertake a project known as 2023 CDBG Emergency Services Facility Project for the purpose of utilizing grant funds to construct a new EMS facility at 2432 Technology Center, Jackson, TN. The total expense is projected to be $1,373,594.00.

In this Cause, it appearing from the Complaint which is sworn to, that the whereabouts of the Defendant, TYRONE RENEE MUSGRAVE, is unknown and cannot be ascertained by the diligent search and inquiry made to that end.

In this Cause, it appearing from the Complaint which is sworn to, that the whereabouts of the Defendant, TOCHINA COLE WALKER, is unknown and cannot be ascertained by the diligent search and inquiry made to that end.

The Madison County Election Commission will hold a municipal election for the City of Three Way on November 1, 2024, for the office of Mayor & Alderman, Position 1 & 2.

NOTICE   Public Notice is hereby given that an Ordinance will be introduced before the City Council of the City of Jackson on June 20, 2024, the purpose of which is to appropriate the …

NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that an Ordinance will be introduced before the City Council of the City of Jackson on June 20, 2024, the purpose of which is to appropriate the proceeds of …

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